Category - Pakistan


Who Is Raza Shah ? | The Great From Rawalpindi

  Raza Ahmed Shah, son of Ahmed Shah, was born in Rawalpindi on March 18, 1965.He joined the Jamaat-e-Islami in 1985 as a worker and Shabab-e-Milli in 1993 while he was elected president of Shabab-e-Milli’s Rawalpindi district chapter. He contested election for a seat of the...

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Whom should I vote for 2020?

  When it is the season of elections arriving, you would find lines of candidates outside your houses making high-end promises to you and asking for your trust and vote. The false claims and high averments make you fall in their trap for the next five years. You should be asking...

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How Would the Water Crisis End in Pakistan ?

Pakistan is facing a serious water crisis. The country is rapidly moving from being classified as water “stressed” to water “scarce”—and with its annual water availability fall below 1,000 cubic meters per person, it may in fact have already crossed this threshold.

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